The Orbex 2025 Internship Programme is now open for applicat...
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Orbital Express Launch Limited (Orbex) is an orbital launch services company, aiming to be one of the most socially and environmentally responsible launch services provider in Europe. The Company is a limited company registered in the United Kingdom. For more information about Orbex, please visit the website:
Modern Slavery is a crime which violates fundamental human rights. Orbex recognises that as a commercial organisation, it has a moral and social responsibility to take a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in all forms. As such, we are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking, as well as protecting human rights in our corporate activities. We are also committed to ensuring, as far as we are able, that our supply chain, including sub-contractors and partners, do the same.
All Orbex employees are expected to raise any concerns they may have regarding human rights harm and modern slavery within our organisation or supply chain using the appropriate reporting channels, and the Senior Management Team are expected to act accordingly.
We aim to undertake due diligence when considering new suppliers, and to periodically review existing suppliers. Our due diligence aims to:
We acknowledge responsibility to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and we work to ensure transparency within the organisation and with suppliers of goods and services to the organisation. Orbex will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in modern slavery or human trafficking.
Our Senior Management Team will:
A copy of this statement will be accessible to all stakeholders via the Orbex website, and we will ensure that the content is understood and communicated to all levels of the company.
This statement will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure that it relevant to the company’s activities.
Martin Coates, CEO
October 2023