Our services

Launch Services

Orbex provides flexible, reliable and dedicated orbital launch services to small satellite customers.

How can we help you?

Our 2-stage environmentally friendly, reusable launch vehicle, Orbex Prime, can accommodate a wide selection of payload types and orbital destinations. Our customer focused approach has underpinned our success and helped us to gain the support and backing of many of the most prominent satellite operators in the industry. Unlike rideshare providers and much larger rockets, our offer gives you control over your mission requirements.

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Orbex Prime is capable of placing payloads of up to 180kg into orbit.

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Orbex Prime is capable of delivering small satellites into SSO, high inclination LEO and Polar orbits.

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Launch site

Our home spaceport, Space Hub Sutherland, is located in the north of Scotland.

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We have been impressed with the rapid progress Orbex has made in a short time, and we look forward to working with them towards the first launch.


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